Cross Margin Mode

Margin Service Terms

When you utilize the Margin Services, you recognize that you have comprehended and accepted all the terms and conditions specified in the Margin Service Terms, and you agree that you will be obligated to comply with them. This Cross Margin Trading Guide is solely provided for your information and convenience and does not regulate the Margin Services. If any inconsistency occurs between this Cross Margin Trading Guide and the Margin Service Terms, the Margin Service Terms will take precedence.

Collateral Assets

Users of Margin can utilize the net assets available in their Cross Margin account as collateral assets for their Cross Margin trading. The digital assets that are eligible for Margin trading can also be utilized as collateral assets for a Cross Margin account.


Simple interest accrues on an hourly basis. Interest is calculated first at the time of the successful advance of the relevant Margin Loan, which will be counted as the first hour. It will be calculated again at the next full hour (which will be counted as the second hour), and then every following full hour until the Margin Loan is repaid. This means that even if the Margin Loan is outstanding for less than an hour, interest will be charged for one full hour.

Interest is calculated according to the following formula:

  • Interest = Principal Amount Outstanding * (Daily Interest / 24) * Number of Hours the Loan Has Been Outstanding

  • Principal Amount Outstanding = Tota borrowed amount - repaid amount

Users may repay their debts at any time. Repayment shall be deemed payment of interest first, and after the interest is fully paid, repayment of the principal of the relevant Margin Loan.

Outstanding loan interest shall be included in the calculation of the Margin Level. Assuming no payments of interest are made for an extended period, the Margin Level of the user's Cross Margin account may deteriorate, leading to the risk of a margin call or even forced liquidation.

Margin account interest rates may adjust from time to time.

Margin Level and Risk Controls

Users may only use the net assets in their Cross Margin account at the platform as the collateral for Margin Loans, and the digital assets in any other accounts are not included in the calculation of Margin for Cross Margin trading. The table below illustrates the risk controls at different margin levels.

The Margin Level of a Cross Margin Account is calculated as follows:

Margin Level = Total Asset Value of a Cross Margin Account / (Total Liabilities + Outstanding Interest)


  • Total Asset Value of a Cross Margin Account = Current Total Market Value of All Digital Assets in the Cross Margin Account

  • Total Liabilities = Current Total Market Value of All Outstanding Margin Loans in the Cross Margin Account

  • Outstanding Interest = Principal Amount Outstanding * Number of Hours the Loan Has Been Outstanding * Hourly Interest Rate - Interest Paid

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please contact our support team by at any time.

Last updated